
Where to Donate to Support Abortion Access & Reproductive Justice

SCOTUS’ decision to overturn Roe v Wade is an attack on the liberty, rights, autonomy, and health of women. It endangers our lives, criminalizes pregnancy and miscarriages, and disproportionately impacts poor women and women of color. I encourage friends to practice self-care, notice unproductive cycles of outrage and despair, and to attune ourselves towards action. It’s more productive, effective, and better for our mental health and sustainability.

With so many systems in place to tap into already, the issue isn’t so much finding a way to help — it’s about maximizing impact. … With almost half a century of abortion rights dissolving into thin air, it is understandable to want to make a grand gesture in response. But instead, I would recommend taking a breath, assessing your resources and tapping into the work that is already being done in your community. If all of us do the same in our communities across the country, we have a chance to stave off at least some of the worst outcomes of a post-Roe America. That is the work now. Let’s get to it.

Robin Marty, “Mad About Roe? Here’s What to Do Now.” New York Times, June 24, 2022

RJ is intersectional, with specific impacts across age, race, class, education, language, documentation status, gender, and colonialism. I’m intrigued by these organizations fearlessly defending abortion access and reproductive justice.

Repro Legal Helpline
A free, confidential helpline about self-managed abortion, run by If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice, a non-profit organization made up of advocates, organizers, and lawyers helping to build a future where everyone is free to make their own decisions about their bodies and reproductive lives. 501(c)3.

National Network of Abortion Funds
A national network distributing funds to 80+ member orgs who remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access. 501(c)3.

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice
Builds Latina/x power to fight for the fundamental human right to reproductive health, dignity, and justice, centering Latina/x voices. 501(c)3.

Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective, headquartered in GA, led by Black womxn. 501(c)3.

National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum
Advocacy org working on RJ and other issues. 501(c)3.

In the past, I’ve supported SisterSong by auctioning an artwork on Instagram. (People love to ask: What can artists do? It doesn’t have to be complicated, ya’ll. People have been raising awareness and funds via bake sales forever, we just happened to make art.)

Today, I donated the proceeds from recent art sales to If How When (who runs the Repro Legal Hotline and the National Network of Abortion Funds. I can’t change SCOTUS’ decision or laws in other states, but I can support those on the front lines and most impacted by these laws in this way.
